Meet Marvy!


Hey there, lovely people! I want to share a little piece of my heart with you all, as I reflect on the incredible journey of ETP_Designzby_Marvy, my custom graphic design small business.

Life has a funny way of presenting us with opportunities, and for me, this journey began with a passion for creativity that simply couldn't be contained. 🎨✨

As a pediatric registered nurse, my days are filled with the most heartwarming moments, caring for those little ones who need it most. It's a job that's both demanding and rewarding, and it has taught me the true meaning of empathy and love. But beyond the hospital walls, I found another love that fills my soul with joy – graphic design.

The hours I spend at the computer screen, crafting designs and creating custom products, are more than just work. They're a labor of love, a way to bring my imagination to life and share it with the world. 💻❤️

Why do I do it? Because there's something magical about turning a blank canvas into a visual masterpiece, about helping others express their unique stories and ideas through design. It's not just about colors, fonts, and layouts; it's about emotion, connection, and the art of making dreams tangible.

In the moments when I'm not at the hospital, I'm pouring my heart and soul into my small business. I'm working late into the night, fueled by a desire to create something special for each and every one of my customers. Whether it's a custom logo, a wedding invitation, or promotional materials for a fellow entrepreneur, I'm committed to delivering my absolute best.

And in this journey, I've found a community of dreamers, creators, and visionaries who share my passion. I've discovered that the process of creation is not just about me; it's about us, it's about you. Your trust, your dreams, your unique stories are what inspire me to keep pushing the boundaries of my creativity.

So, if you're here, whether you've been a customer, a friend, or a supporter, I want to say a heartfelt "thank you." Your belief in my work and your trust in ETP_Designz has allowed me to pursue this beautiful journey with all my heart.

As I continue to balance my time between the hospital and my design studio, I cherish every moment, every smile, every design project that comes my way. This is my passion, my calling, and my way of making the world a more colorful, imaginative, and heartfelt place.

Thank you for being a part of this adventure, and I can't wait to see where ETP_Designz goes next. Together, we're shaping stories, spreading love, and crafting custom creations that make each day a little brighter. 💫🎨💖


Click here for more about Marvy!

With immense gratitude and a heart full of creativity,
Shauna ReNe (aka Marvy)
ETP_Designz CEO